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Find Nearest Baby Changing Station

ClinClinBaby makes it easy to find clean baby changing stations around you by showing the nearby stations for both, moms and dads, on the map. Read more...

Changing Station in Restroom

    Baby Changing Station Available
    Baby Changing Station Not Available

This is a list of baby changing stations near the user's location or near the location searched by the user. Each location in this list has a serial number corresponding to pins on the map.

Every location in this list has name, address and the types of restrooms (Male/Female/Family/Unisex) available at that location. Each available type of restroom has either a green tick mark in front of the type indicating that that type of restroom has a baby changing station installed or a red cross mark in front of the type indicating that that type of restroom does not have baby changing station installed. More Info...

   Click On Map To Add

It is possible that a baby changing station near you is not visible on the map. We are still collecting the data for you. We would appreciate if you could help other babies and parents by adding the locations you know of. Simply click on the map and enter the location of the station. Your contribution will help other parents find baby changing stations when they need them. ClinClinBaby is a free service that is available to everyone. We hope you find it helpful!

   Why ClinClinBaby?

A weekend or a vacation, an evening at a park or a lunch - you want to enjoy with your family and try to give your little ones the best of experiences.
But the babies need a frequent change of diapers and that's where the problem starts. You would wish to know whether there are baby changing stations available around and if they are good and clean. You may even want to plan your outing accordingly.

   ClinClinBaby solves this problem

ClinClinBaby makes it easy to find baby changing stations around you by showing the nearby stations on the map.
Keeping in mind your family's convenience and needs, Clinclinbaby provides information for changing stations accessible by both, moms and dads! This information can help you plan your outings and make sure you have a comfortable place to change your baby's diaper.
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